Sunday, March 28, 2021

7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

If you want to be an entrepreneur, take a step back and evaluate whether or not you have the following characteristics.
And remember: if you don’t have these traits now, you can develop them down the road to improve your chances of success.

1. Self-Motivation
One of the most important traits of entrepreneurs is self-motivation. When you want to succeed, you need to be able to push yourself. You need to be dedicated to your plan and keep moving forward — even if you aren’t receiving an immediate results.

2. Understand What You Offer
As an entrepreneur, you need to know what you offer, and how it fits into the market. Whether it’s a product or a service, you need to know where you fit in. That means you need to know when it’s time to tweak things a little bit. Being able to position yourself and then adjust as needed is an important part of entrepreneurship.

3. Take Risks
Successful entrepreneurs know that sometimes it’s important to take risks. Playing it safe almost never leads to success as a business owner. It’s not about taking just any risk, though. Understanding calculated risks that are more likely to pay off is an important part of being an entrepreneur.

4. Know How to Network
Knowing how to network is an important part of entrepreneurship. Sometimes who you know is an important part of success. Being able to connect with others and recognize partnership opportunities can take you a long way as a business owner. Figure out where to go for networking opportunities and make it a point to learn how to be effective.

5. Basic Money Management Skills and Knowledge
If you want to be successful, you should still have basic money management skills and knowledge. Understand how money works so that you know where you stand, and so that you run your business on sound principles.

6. Flexibility
To a certain degree, you need to be flexible as an entrepreneur. Be willing to change as needed. Stay on top of your industry and be ready to adopt changes in processes and product as they are needed. Sometimes, you also need flexibility in your thinking. This is an essential part of problem-solving. You want to be able find unique and effective solutions to issues.

7. Passion
Finally, successful entrepreneurs are passionate. They feel deeply about their product or service or mission. Passion is what will help you find motivation when you are discouraged and it will drive your forward. Passion is fuel for successful entrepreneurship. 

Add these seven colours of success into your entrepreneurship profile to make your organisation shining like rainbow.

Happy Holi
The Virtue Solutions

Monday, March 15, 2021

Business Intelligence Dashboard

A business intelligence dashboard is an information management tool, that uses data visualisation technology to analyse and display information visually in a practical and useful way. It can be used across a multitude of functional areas within an organisation and is a useful tool for helping to measure performance in large organisations and in SMEs equally.

Purpose of a business intelligence dashboard

A business intelligence dashboard  manages information by tracking data points that are important to your business. The dashboard gives you a consolidated view of all data from across the organisation on custom dashboards that deliver valuable insights into the whole business. You can see and analyse data, display the businesses key performance indicators (KPIs), to assess performance measures and generate actionable insights.

A good BI dashboard enables you to monitor and measure business performance and metrics. BI dashboard tools provide real-time centralised access to users allowing them to interact with and evaluate information, helping them to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Benefits of a BI dashboard

A BI dashboard is an easy-to-understand, visualised summary of data analysis that provides an at-a-glance overview of multiple areas of the business. There are many significant benefits of implementing BI dashboards into your operations including: 

1- Enhanced Visibility
2- Timesaving Efficiency
3- Better Forecasting
4- Key Performance Indicators
5- Inventory Control
6- Real-time Customer Analytics
7- Better Decision Making

Do you have your business intelligence dashboard?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Short Term Long Term Goals

Both short-term and long-term goals can motivate and inspire us to be more productive and focused. However, at times, it can be difficult to prioritize between them. Therefore, knowing how to prioritize your goal setting adequately is a vital skill that can help you be more successful in your personal and professional life.

The first step to prioritizing goals is to identify your short-term and long-term goals.

A short-term goal is one that can be achieved in the relatively near future, like a day, one or more weeks or a couple of months. On the other hand, a long-term goal is one that you plan and strive to accomplish over an extended period of time like more than one year, five years or even more. Long-term goals tend to be more meaningful and provide you a greater sense of direction and purpose.

A problem that most people face with long-term goals is the difficulty or challenge to maintain focus and motivation; this is because these goals are far off into the future and take quite a long time to achieve.

It is crucial to strike a balance between long-term and short-term goals. At any one time, you must have a minimum of one long-term goal and one short-term goal. It is important to have long-term goals, but always remember you will have to invest more time to achieve them so that you do not get bogged down or discouraged easily. This is where having a short-term goal helps as it provides you a sense of gratification much sooner.

However, having only short run goals in the absence of long-term ones is not a smart idea either. Without long-term goals to provide you a clear direction and focus down the road, your short-term achievements are not likely to add up to something substantial.

An excellent way to prioritize different goals is to first establish your long-term goals. It will offer you a sense of purpose and direction. Once you have set all your long-term goals, it is time to start setting your short-term goals, especially those that are relevant to the long-term goals. The benefit of short-term goals is that they serve as stepping stones toward the achievement of the long-term goals. They are easier and simpler to attain compared to long-term goals.

If you set and focus on your short-term goals and accomplish them on a timely basis, it will help you gather momentum and motivation toward the achievement of your long-term plans.

"We offer business management solutions to help you grow your business"

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Customer Will Never Love A Company Untill The Employees Love It First

Employee Satisfaction Produces Customer Loyalty

Satisfied employees help produce satisfied customers. Satisfied employees are likely to assist customers with a more pleasant demeanor and a higher level of customer service. This creates a more satisfying customer experience, increases customer loyalty, and ultimately drives increased profitability.
Conversely, low employee satisfaction and overall low employee morale can negatively effect company operations greatly, causing dissatisfied customers and hurt profitability.

Any business, needs to focus efforts on front-line service staff – those employees that have direct, daily contact with customers. The connection between front-line employees and customers should be at the center of management attention. Managers need to take into consideration the additional factors that yield profitability at every level in the organization, including: investment in good, quality workers; technology that supports front-line employees; concrete recruiting and training practices; and compensation linked to employee performance.

When you provide employees with the tools and skills they need, employee satisfaction rises as does the ability to service customers better. Employee satisfaction raises employee productivity, and higher productivity means greater service and value to your customers. This value leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which promotes profitability and continued success.

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Friday, December 25, 2020

You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure

To measure business performance, you need to track relevant business metrics, also known as key performance indicators, that display a measurable value and shows the progress of the business goals.

Measuring performance is a vital part of monitoring the growth and progress of any business. It entails measuring the actual performance of a business against intended goals. Regularly checking your business performance protects your business against any financial or organizational problems. It helps businesses in lowering process cost and improving productivity and mission effectiveness.

#performancemeasurement #kpi #businessgrowth #VirtueBizTips #HRTips #improvement #thevirtuesolutions #humanresourceconsultancy #bestbusinessconsultants #managementexperts 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Knowing Is Not Enough, Convert Your Knowledge Into An Experience

Knowing is not enough,
You must apply.

Our knowledge is what we have learned from different sources, when we apply our knowledge in day to day practice it becomes experience which leads us to success.

Many people get fail in life or in business just because they stop trying after gaining knowledge. They think now there is no chance for improvement because I know everything and nothing to learn more.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Human Resources isn't a thing we do, it's a thing that runs our BUSINESS

Importance of Human Resource Department (HRD) is increasing day by day and small-medium enterprises getting aware about it. But before recruiting any HR candidate every entrepreneur need to know about importance of this department.

Candidates who choose HR field as career,  know the importance of that role which make them inspired to be a good HR. Not everyone can be a good HR because some special qualities required to perform this duty.

Let's understand what are these qualities and how it could be helpful to an organisation

- Passion
- Sympathetic Attitude
- Quick Decision
- Integrity
- Work Dedication
- Patience
- Social Responsibility
- Good Communication Skills

How HR Systems helps an entrepreneur?

- To develop/maintain organisation's work culture as per Vision, Mission and Values without disturbing work performance of each department.

- To reduce maintenance cost without compromising in results

- To help employees to be updated and to achieve more

- Staff satisfaction is one of important part of HRD and sometimes it's become hard to maintain balance between senior's expectation vs candidate's sentiments. These qualities help them to get expected outcome with lesser resistance from team.

- To eliminate Processes/Persons/Policies which are harmful for organisation

- To redesign and implement new systems as and when required

And many more.

As a Human Resource Consultancy we, The Virtue Solutions found that the many organisation fails in achieving their goals because they think that HR department is only to count salary and to hire / fire candidates.

Until we don't change our perception towards HR department we won't get expected outcomes.