Friday, December 25, 2020

You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure

To measure business performance, you need to track relevant business metrics, also known as key performance indicators, that display a measurable value and shows the progress of the business goals.

Measuring performance is a vital part of monitoring the growth and progress of any business. It entails measuring the actual performance of a business against intended goals. Regularly checking your business performance protects your business against any financial or organizational problems. It helps businesses in lowering process cost and improving productivity and mission effectiveness.

#performancemeasurement #kpi #businessgrowth #VirtueBizTips #HRTips #improvement #thevirtuesolutions #humanresourceconsultancy #bestbusinessconsultants #managementexperts 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Knowing Is Not Enough, Convert Your Knowledge Into An Experience

Knowing is not enough,
You must apply.

Our knowledge is what we have learned from different sources, when we apply our knowledge in day to day practice it becomes experience which leads us to success.

Many people get fail in life or in business just because they stop trying after gaining knowledge. They think now there is no chance for improvement because I know everything and nothing to learn more.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Human Resources isn't a thing we do, it's a thing that runs our BUSINESS

Importance of Human Resource Department (HRD) is increasing day by day and small-medium enterprises getting aware about it. But before recruiting any HR candidate every entrepreneur need to know about importance of this department.

Candidates who choose HR field as career,  know the importance of that role which make them inspired to be a good HR. Not everyone can be a good HR because some special qualities required to perform this duty.

Let's understand what are these qualities and how it could be helpful to an organisation

- Passion
- Sympathetic Attitude
- Quick Decision
- Integrity
- Work Dedication
- Patience
- Social Responsibility
- Good Communication Skills

How HR Systems helps an entrepreneur?

- To develop/maintain organisation's work culture as per Vision, Mission and Values without disturbing work performance of each department.

- To reduce maintenance cost without compromising in results

- To help employees to be updated and to achieve more

- Staff satisfaction is one of important part of HRD and sometimes it's become hard to maintain balance between senior's expectation vs candidate's sentiments. These qualities help them to get expected outcome with lesser resistance from team.

- To eliminate Processes/Persons/Policies which are harmful for organisation

- To redesign and implement new systems as and when required

And many more.

As a Human Resource Consultancy we, The Virtue Solutions found that the many organisation fails in achieving their goals because they think that HR department is only to count salary and to hire / fire candidates.

Until we don't change our perception towards HR department we won't get expected outcomes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Till date we have given our contribution as a consulting agency to different industries in achieving their business goal and we found that the major organisations couldn't grow because of wrong recruitment.

Most of the entrepreneurs facing obstacles in achieving their business goals because of repetition of common mistakes they are doing during the recruitment process.

What To Keep In Mind While Hiring New Candidates

1- Purpose of hiring new candidate, what you want from them
2- Design job profile, be specific about job role and key responsibility area
3- Note down recruitment criteria, what skills, education and experience candidate should have
4- Set salary range, get prepared for average pay scale as per market
5- Design reports to measure his/her performance
6- Design salary appraisal criteria to retain candidates for longer-term in organisation
7- Handover all the documents to candidate after joining so he/she can understand for what purpose he/she has been appointed and what are the performance criteria to maintain to being on that position.

These small steps play major role to achieve business goals.
You also can do that in your organization and chase your goals easily.
For any help in HR process and policies you can write us on or can call us on 9601170257.

We are ready to help you.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Why Should You Hire Business Consultant?

In last 5 year's of our business survey in Gujarat we found that the most of Entrepreneurs facing identical business challenges in their organisation.

You are facing the same problems in your organization too?

Nothing to worry about, go through this presentation and you'll get the solution.

Click on link

#businesschallenges #businessissues #businesstips #goalbasedplanning #commonproblems #industrypattern #whyconsultantrequired #thevirtuesolutions #businessconsultancy #managementexpert #businesscoach

Saturday, November 7, 2020

How To Write A Business Plan

By sharing this article we are trying to draw entrepreneur's attention on how a good business plan can take their business to the next level and helps achieving their goals.

Topic covered:
What is Business Plan?
Importance of Business Plan?
How to write Business Plan?
Myth about Business Plan?

We decided to share this article because of due to Corona pandemic lots of business got shut off, many business changed their working criteria, some of them have started declining their services/products rate to survive. This isn't a good business strategy.

Why they are doing this?
Is it help them to overcome this situation?

The answer for above questions is,
Yes for temporary
No for longer term

Entrepreneurs with business plan for their organisation have clear fundamentals and vision, they always stick to their values. They had worked out on all the factors which can affect their business: they know their strength and weakness, they have prepared for opportunities and threats and finally they have roadmap for next three/five/ten years.

Business with great achievement also were startup once but they have started with business plan and keep working on it. They have never compromised on goal. Entrepreneur with business plan not needs any motivational training to stay motivated, their goals make them motivated, their strategy works as fuel for them to stay motivated.

They are prepared for future, they work for future, they work only on development and never waste their time and energy in junk activities.

Business plan is not just a combination of few attractive words and figures hanging out on your office walls, It's your inner voice, your integrity, your commitment, your motive and your purpose for why you are in this business.

Business plan is not just a bunch of some to-do's which you have to finish in perticular deadline. It's a roadmap to reach your goal, it's formed with an involvement of team dedicated in achieving your goal, it's formed by based on past performance and future opportunities, It's not an activity It's a responsibility.

It's not late, you also can take your business to the next level where no any obstacles can stand in your way.

Write Your Business Plan Now!

We are happy to help you in designing your goal and write down your business plan.

Just drop your business details and queries on and we'll revert back with further process.

The Virtue Solutions
We offer business management solutions to help you grow your business